Pedicelaria or Pedicellaria: How To spell?

The word Pedicelaria is misspelled against Pedicellaria, a noun meaning "A peculiar forcepslike organ which occurs in large numbers upon starfishes and echini. Those of starfishes have two movable jaws, or blades, and are usually nearly, or quite, sessile; those of echini usually have three jaws and a pedicel. See Illustration in Appendix."

Pedicellaria has double "ll" is mispronounced as "l"
Remember double 'LL' in between the strings pedice & aria which should not be misspelled with single 'L'
Wrong Spelling:  pedice-l-aria 
Correct Spelling:  pedice-ll-aria 
Find more wrongly spelled words of Pedicellaria to spell it well.